Communication Leads to Social Media Success

Establishing Good Communication with Social Media Followers When it comes to social media marketing, establishing good communication between you and your followers is pertinent in driving your business forward in today’s competitive market. Depending on the type of business you run, there are different methods you can use to start conversations that will ultimately generate new…


How to Create a Brand That People Want to Get Behind

If you want to make the maximum impact on the web, then it’s not enough to have a couple social media accounts and a blog. Rather, you need to make sure that there is a brand driving those social media accounts and behind that blog – something that ties all of your posts and all of your comments together under a single”umbrella” and something that people will feel is greater than the sum of its individual parts.


What is a Mobile Friendly Website?

A mobile-friendly website is a website that is designed to display properly on mobile devices, phones and tablets.

If you have ever accessed web pages from a smart phone or tablet, you may have noticed that some websites are difficult to navigate, visually unappealing, and take a ridiculous amount of time to load on your device, while on your desktop or laptop computer they work just fine.


Does Website Speed Matter?

The need for speed. Wordpress is the world’s number one content management system used to build and manage over 25% of all websites. And while Wordpress is an extremely powerful platform that is SEO “friendly”, some aspects of the platform can have detrimental effects on SEO. Website Speed Optimization – Making your website load faster is one of the best things you can do to improve its overall performance.
