The Forgotten Power of Online Communities

Back in the early days of the internet, forums and ‘message boards’ were all the rage. These were pages on websites where people could log in and post messages relating to the subject of the site and this way they could discuss their favorite topics, get advice and maybe even make friends.

The potential for marketing here was obvious too – find the right forum and you’ve basically found a spot where all of your potential audience are hanging out in one place!

Mastering the Art of Flat Lay

As the most important photo-sharing platform in the online world, getting the right angles, and making your photos look professional and eye-catching can really be tricky. However, there is a certain trick that most Instagram users use to make sure their feed is filled with photos that will certainly make people hit like! This is…

How to Look More Professional as a Brand

If you want to be heard online then you also need to be trusted and you need to look professional. Reaching people is only half of the battle. The problem is that a lot of the time, we see the things that businesses and bloggers post and then just ignore them. After all, we’re bombarded with messages all the time and a lot of them are low quality from dodgy sources. Why would we wake up and pay attention to one over another?

Instagram Etiquette

In an increasingly fast-paced and liberated world, many rules of etiquette are being forgotten and discarded. The 21st century simply does away with a lot of the formalities that used to be de rigeur in much earlier times. Still, there are some rules of basic courtesy that apply today. Even social media platforms like Instagram…